Girl’s Leadership Camp: Taking Risks and Taking Care of Business

So I hosted a girl’s empowerment camp a few months back at my school. It changed the relationship for the better with a lot of my female students here in Malaysia. I did not get to take all of them and so when another opportunity came up for a girl’s camp. I took five other girls who have never attended a camp before and boy was I glad I did. It was a memorable experience for all of us there.

The past weekend, the first weekend in October marked two important things. One, it marked the beginning of my final month here in Malaysia as a 2015 Fulbright ETA. Second, it was the weekend of a spectacular girl’s camp put on over three days with almost 10 schools of students from across Kelantan. This camp I knew, would be one of my last I was be involved with this year. I have thoroughly enjoyed camps as they provide thematic topics to discuss, become active in, and learn from in unique environments outside of the classroom which create for more memorable and interactive learning for the students. This camp focused on empowering girls to see themselves and the people around them as leaders, looking up specifically to Kelantan women leaders and how to turn themselves into one as they mature into their adulthood after secondary school. This camp was aimed towards Form 4 girls who are finishing their second-to-last year in school before they take their big final exam called the SPM the next year which determines their placement among their peers and ultimately their future.


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