Female Empowerment Camp with Miss Rachel previous ETA

Coming off of a lot going on with Hari Raya, this camp quicker than I expected but exceeded the expectations I put in place for it! Miss Rachel Gallert came back to Malaysia after taking a hiatus, living in New York working for an after-school program for inner-city high school girls once finishing her Fulbright ETA in Terangganu, Malaysia last year as part of the 2014 cohort. She decided to create a Tour-de-Camp in the participating Malaysian state JPN schools where us ETAs were placed for the 2015 cohort partnering with us who were willing to plan a personalized day-long girls’ camp. Of course I jumped at the opportunity seeing the dynamics of my girls grow or continue to remain throughout the year including academics, confidence level, independent thinking, participation in the classroom, and conversation topics around their futures. I was hoping to get them motivated and thinking-forward about their lives after secondary school. So Rachel and I collaborated to create a personalized Female Empowerment Camp for my girls on a Sunday afternoon after the school day to focus on goal-setting, building a sisterhood, and taking action not only in our own lives but in the community related to these future and career goals. It was an inspiring afternoon for all who witnessed this camp!


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A year journey to far off lands