Tag Archives: Singapore

Singapore Luxury: Trying out Singapore Despite our Wallets

One of my friends and I decided to go on a slightly last-minute getaway to the luxuriously clean and beautiful Singapore for a weekend. It coincided with their month of Independence and a school holiday we had for Malaysia’s National Day of Independence: Hari Merdeka which we would hope to fly back for and enjoy on our way home in Malaysia. We had little time and money to plan but it was just the relaxation and taste of big city we had missed for so long and needed to get a break from our busy planning we currently had going on in Kelantan Malaysia. It was the week before a mega statewide arts camp so we wanted to give ourselves a break and a treat for all of our hard work. We got to see some major sights, fit in shopping at some glamorous malls, see old and new friends, as well as play with puppies which we also has missed. It was hard not to fall in love with the safe and pristine state of Singapore as we ventured through the city without much worry about anything.