Tag Archives: SMK Kuala Besut

Harry Potter English Camp at SMK Pelagat: Here We Go Again

We prepare ourselves for this day long or three day long phenomenon as part of our ETA experience called an “English camp”. If we are planning it, by the end we are pulling our hair out making sure all goes right. If we are a guest ETA, as I was for this one, we usually show up in our Fulbright t-shirt we were given during orientation for free. I on the other hand took on a new and different role for this one. Our two friends teaching as ETAS in Besut, Terangganu, Malaysia were planning a Harry Potter-themed English camp. I was supposed to take a personality test and be placed in one of their camp-created “houses” but I forgot. Also, I am a unique individual so they gave me my own character to create for the day. A peavishly-annoying character who would cause chaos and reward English-usage but scold the use of their native tongue in BM with house minus points in the form of a frizzled professor by the name of Professor Magical Crazy pants; a character they would never forget.