
Last day directly with the faucet

New year, new home
New year, new home

As I woke up this morning, realizing it was my last day in America for the next year, I wanted to appreciate tap water. The first thing I did after waking up was brush my teeth, even before putting my eyes on, and I enjoyed using that faucet. I was realizing this would be one of my last moments with certain luxuries even as small as using water directly from the faucet. Why that made me pause and stop at 8:30am, the morning after New Years Eve, not entirely sure, but I really enjoyed brushing my teeth. I guess my big journey starting tomorrow was sinking in another wave more.

There is no way to describe what is going on in my mind as I prepare to ship off to Malaysia tomorrow morning. I have had waves of realization that this is happening but mostly, it does not seem real yet. I am sure saying bye to my family at the airport will give me another wave of realization as well as arriving in KL at midnight, January 4th in Malaysian time after 30 hours of travel. For now most of my last days have been a haze of good times, American food, goodbyes, and packing. Not much about mental preparation. This is probably for the best so I am not overly obsessing with research and preconceived notions or watching movie musicals over and over balling my eyes out and wiping out several tissue boxes.

This next year will be the most life changing year of my young life thus far. Yes, freshman year of college was up there, same with landing my first leading role in a show, and many other monumental moments but as a year on a whole, no other year I have experienced was as drastically different or educational as this next year will be. There will be huge adjustments, struggles, pains, confusion, questions, even moments of regret at times I suppose. However, it will be the most amazing roller coaster ride of my life. I hope to share my adventures with you over this next year. I will be honest, most likely way too excited, and hope to capture some amazing moments. Thank you for taking the time to stay connected with me and read my silly inner thoughts and interpretations. America today. Malaysia tomorrow!